Exciting times with radiators and cardboard boxes!
Okay, yes, that’s a flip-phone and I should probably update it. But hey, Vitalia is on a budget.
The girl has answered the phone and is now talking on it to some person unknown, while picking up a stray boot.
The Girl (Vitalia) talking on her phone: "Heya... It’s me, Vitalia. Yeah, the move went okay... Uh huh... Well, everything’s still in boxes..."
Vitalia keeps yapping on the phone, while putting on chunky boots.
Vitalia (talking on phone): "Yeah... Sure, I’ll see you there... Oh. Uh, half an hour? I have to see the landlady first... Okay, bye."
Vitalia puts her phone on top of a random box that is on top of the radiator, and wanders off.
Vitalia rummages in another random box, flinging socks and shirts hither and yon.
Vitalia: "Where the hell did I put my jacket..."
Vitalia has found the jacket! It’s a rather funky little short jacket. She is now wrestling into it, flailing her elbows, and WHOOPS, she just knocked her phone off the box...
Vitalia: "GAH! Dammit!"