Introducing the Wayward Queen webcomic! We start with this random dork...
Narrator in Captions: "Greetings, Dear Readers! Are you ready for a rousing tale?"
Narrator in Captions: "A tale of a girl..."
A very disheveled and confused looking blondish twenty-something girl pokes her head out of the panel, looking like she just woke up.
Vitalia (the girl): "Who? Me? What?"
Vitalia is yoinked out of the panel by a hooked cane. (Now that we can see the rest of her - briefly, mid-yoink - we see that she is wearing a little black dress, a funky short jacket, and big chunky boots.)
Vitalia: "Yurk!"
Narrator in Captions: "...swept from a placid life into a realm of ENDLESS POSSIBILITY!"
(These things happen.)