But beware, there may be a few foes to contend with as well! (Just... a few.)
Narrator in Captions: "A realm crawling with odd entities, sinister strangers, and Dastardly Foes..."
An ENORMOUS CROWD of sinister weirdos appears and surrounds Vitalia with menacing intent!
The crowd includes a bossy lady with long black hair in a complicated gown and boots, standing atop a commanding rock, looking dramatic and commanding; three very fashionable and snooty red-headed witches with fabulous black gowns and equally fabulous hair, looking aloof; a funky lanky witch with long black hair in a funky striped ensemble, looking like she’s having fun; a serious looking red-headed dude with BIG and very curly hair in a fancy robe; a pretty but absolutely terrible tall fey person with outrageously long black hair and sharp claws and some kind of slinky robe, looking overly friendly; and a short but terrible vampire lady with bobbed black curls, a sassy bolero, and an ENORMOUS axe, looking far too enthusiastic.
In the background a few extra weirdos are lurking: a scruffy looking dude with a scruffy beard attempting to look menacing; a chunky older guy with armor and a revolver; and what appears to be a floating ghost with a helmet and a long sword.
None of them look trustworthy.
Boss Lady: "Minions! Seize her!"
Snooty Fashionista Witch: "Who are you calling minions? Some of us are freelancers. Expensive freelancers."
Other Snooty Fashionista Witch: "Damn straight."
Funky Witch in Stripes: "Fee fie foe fun!"
Serious Dude with Serious Hair: "This isn’t a foe situation, this is strictly business."
Vitalia: "What kind of friend-to-foe ratio do you call this!?"
Terrible Tall Fey Person With Outrageous Hair: "Oh, you want friends? I’d love to get to know you better, sugarpie..."
Terrible Tiny Vampire With Enormous Axe: "I’ll be your friend! Howzabout a nice friendly... lunch?"